Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly Rant # 4

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF?!?!?  Young kids (especially girls) who drive very expensive cars.  Now this might be a conflict of interest because of where I work, but I cannot stand seeing sub 25 year olds driving around in Lexus', BMWs, Mercedes', or any other car that is worth more than my truck.  What the fuck have these people done to deserve a fancy luxury car?  FUCKING NOTHING!  Sure they are blessed with wealthy families who have probably worked hard for their money, good for them, but they personally haven't done shit to earn a $75,000 car.  Some people might claim that I am "just jealous" or a "hater" (don't get me started on the word hater), but honestly I am not. To add to my frustration, a lot of these kids have the mindset that they deserve these flash cars.  Again, they don't, and to get back to an earlier rant, if a kid gets one because they are a "princess" or a "diva", their parents should be executed on the spot. It just sickens me that parents will spend that much money on kids who can barely even fucking drive to begin with.  There are no worse drivers than teenagers (besides women on cell phones, blind people, congenital amputees, cops, and asians), and putting them behind the wheel of a 2012 Lexus LFA is just asking for disaster.  Parents need to buck up and force their kids to earn their cars, because I'M SICK OF IT!

ps, if you are ever in public and you hear a 16-28 year old girl say "do you know who my father/daddy is", you can legally hit her with a hammer or bar stool.

Thanks Cook for the suggestion.


  1. I completely agree, I know plenty of kids from similar families...yours included where the kids drove either used, hand me down or lower end cars such as Ford Explorers and F-150s. I hope all of these kids wreck their $75,000 cars and never get a new one.

  2. Please tell me no-one at your school drives a Lexus LFA....they are priced at nearly $400,000.

  3. Haha no, but there are 2 Bentleys and several other sports car including a Mazarati

  4. this afternoon, I nearly got ran over by a Lexus flying through the parking lot, and it was a dumb bitch high schooler going to field hockey practice....she just HAD to drive her flashy car from one parking lot to another that's one block closer to the field...stupid cunt

  5. Wow Mark that is quite aggressive.
