Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Rant # 5

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF???  HATS!!!  Don't get me wrong, I love a good baseball cap, but people need to learn how to fucking wear them properly.  I remember growing up when I got a new hat, I wouldn't even think about wearing it in public unless the the bill was perfectly formed and the hat fit perfectly.  Why??? Because if it wasn't fit properly you looked like a fucking dork.  Now a days total D-Bags don't even bother to make their hat "their own", and they look like fucking tools. They have flat brims, price tags, and don't even wear the hat (they just barely place it on their heads).  Listen up, you don't look cool or gangsta', you look like a Jersey Shore reject piece of trashy shit.  Hats used to have a purpose, they kept the sun out of your eyes, or kept your head warm, or kept your friends from seeing your new shitty hair cut.  What the hell happened?  Why is it acceptable to wear your hats like this?  It shouldn't be and we need to do something about it.  I decree that anytime you see a "dude" rocking the hat barely on his head, with price tags still on, and a flat brim; you should go up and play the "do you know who is in town...flipper" or the "what kind of a gun is this...a cap gun".  Knock his hat off his head and hopefully in a muddy puddle or possibly the feces of a hobo.  These fuckers need to learn to wear their hats right...BECAUSE I'M SICK OF IT!!!

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