Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekly Rant # 7

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF???  LOCKER ROOM GUYS!!!  Why in the hell do older men think it is ok to walk around the locker room completely naked.  Now I am not a prude or anything, but here is nothing worse than walking in a locker room seeing a senior citizen completely naked and having to hold a conversation with him.  This is not ok at all.  Naked people are already awkward, but old naked people are just the absolute worst.  Why do they find the need to ruin your day with their old balls?  It is gross, don't they know this?  Have you ever tried to have a meal in the locker room of a country club and try to stomach a sandwich with old white guys walking and sitting around naked reading the Chronicle?  It is impossible!  Old men need to wrap a towel around their old man parts because no one wants to look at it, and I'M SICK OF IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. since when do you eat sandwiches in the locker rooms of country clubs?
